Thursday, April 13, 2017

699. Guardians of the Galaxy vol 1 #1 ... #marvel ... #gotg ... #guardians ... #stark ... #marvel ...

[This is reviewed and posted on 11th Feb 2018]

With the success of the first two movies, we decided to delve into the longest running of an ongoing GOTG where this span more than five years or slightly more than 62 issues. For those who only know them for the movies, brace yourself. There are a lot of changes

First up, the members are Martinex (leader and brain of the group) who has control over heat and cold and his body is like a prism (he appears as a guest in movie 2). Then there is Vance, the 1000 year old man from the normal Marvel Universe who took a journey into space only to wake up like Rumpelstiltskin and has to live inside his protective suit (his abilities are telekinesis and an annoying self-righteous attitude). After that there is the couple - Charlier 27, super strong and Nikkie, fire hair and agility

Yondu is probably the biggest shocker of them all as he is seen here as a holy man of an ancient religion not the pirate as in the movie. And finally to round out the initial team at this point there is Starhawk - who is a combination of a man and woman (Stakar and Alita of whom Stakar was featured in movie 2) who takes turns at the role

In this issue, a great jumping on point is that the action starts on page 1 where we see the team coming to a world and immediately assaulted. Naturally they banded together to defeat the machinations and try to assist the locals even as Taserface (another villain from movie 2) strike them with ferocity but as he was alone and they are a team they managed to defeat him.

Taser face as we found out is part of a race called the Stark, a race of jungle breed with nasty disposition who came across Stark Tech that was shot off into space during the great war when Stark didn't want his tech to fall into the hands of the invading alien forces only to reach the Stark. From then, they took the tech and learnt from it and armed themselves and now go about the Universe conquering others. And that's where the issue ended with the bigger group of Starks coming to fight GOTG

Another plus point here is the flashback sequences were done well giving us newcomers the complete update on how each of the members encounter each other, their journey through time to meet the Marvel 616 and Avengers, the fight with a cosmic scale entity Michael the Enemy until how this issue opened up - so a great landing on point for anyone who wished to try

And one side note, this is also the issue where Jim Valentino, at this point, showed he could actually be a decent penciller before developing his own too signature style (sigh)

Ratings: 8/10

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