Monday, May 29, 2017

712. Avengers vol 1 #267 ...

[This is reviewed on 7th Dec 2017]

After the full ending of Secret Wars 2, we were left wondering what is next for the Avengers ongoing title and this title certainly opened at the right pace with nothing to waste on slowing down the pace.  In fact, the cover is perfect because we expected Kang and the X-Men and while both do appear, not everything is as per our expectations and thus made the story infinitely more appealing

We see the opening with Storm coming back to the waiting Avengers as apparently she is now a member of them while Colossus is coming out of a building with the President! This immediately made us the readers wondering what is going on. But then a ceremony takes place with Tony Stark running out to try and stop what is going on with the scene.

And KABOOM ...

The scene shifts and we find out that there is something called a council of Kangs where each variant Kang are trying to eliminate different alternate reality Kangs that they deemed to be weak and an embarrassment to them. And of course, the primary Kang is somewhere behind the scenes doing other stuff

On other fronts, we see Captain America and Captain Marvel hanging out trying to understand each other better and along came Namor as well. So Cap A being the senior guy tries to share his thoughts about Namor with Cap M who is powerful but the newest Avenger and she comes very opinionated

Meanwhile back at the mansion, love starts to blossom between Wasp and Paladin only to have them whisked away to a foggy dimension where resides Kang. So what happens next, eh?

Ratings: 6/10

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