Monday, June 26, 2017

720. Captain Marvel vol 1 #25 ...

[This is reviewed on 20th Dec 2017]

We love the design of Captain Marvel's uniform and am so glad that they changed to this from the original normal Kree soldier uniform. However, we have no idea about the fascination of many marvel creator on this hero because like it or not, his powers are average and while he has guest starred in other mags, his own series is about 60 or so issues and then he died, literally and there has never been another relaunched on him ie they kept him on ice. There are others who have assumed the title like his son and a Skrull imposter but never the original

But that's neither here nor there so let's get back to basics and it is that here as per his usual standards, Jim Starlin knocked it out of the park and what made this even better is the fact the writer gave Starlin lots and lots of action scenes to do

As the cover genuinely indicated, Captain Marvel faces not only the heroes but many others within for you see in this issue ... it opens with some space suited blue Kree attacking Cap and he easily defeated them. But before he could grill them for the reasons, they spoke something odd and then disappeared.

At this juncture, Cap is still sharing consciousness and body with one Rick Jones. And as he tried to puzzle out what was going on, he stumbled into a nightmare wherein a lady had laid a trap for Rick to be framed for murder! But is all as it seems?


Because like we said (coincidentally) in our opening paragraphs, the truth behind this issue's problems are two Skrulls. One is the brains and hence all this weird planning and the other is the Super Skrull. By the time Cap has figured out that there is more than meets the eyes going on, the battle had escalated and in the end, the Skrulls were forced to reveal their true identities. Unfortunately being aliens with advance technology (read that as teleportation), before the good Captain can nail them flat, they disappeared again leaving the name of Masterlord behind and leaving Mar-vel wondering who is Masterlord and what are his real plans and why he has a hate on for Mar-vel .... which as we know means to be continued

Ratings: 7/10

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