Here we have the same dynamics of Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben except that they are generally more cynical and aware of what's going around them rather than their original counterparts from the 60s that was more wide-eyed, gollygoshgeee style
Example: We see Reed and Sue as a couple but nowhere is Sue near his intellectualism ... and he naturally has as a lab partner Alyssa Moy ... and she naturally feels insecure ... while lunching and gossiping with her mates whose idea is to walk down the aisle ...
And then there's Johnny who may love the high life but knew his limitations as that of only a mechanic
And finally we love the bit about Ben when he was first transformed into the Thing and how he did a walk-through in his mind of what would happen with Reed feeling guilty and making lots of promises ... so true and exactly as what would normally happen in today's cynical worlds
And what about the bad guys, you ask?
Well we have the Mole Man (naturally) but it was not so much a bad guy because here the storyline wrapped up nicely ... and then there's Namor ... and Doom lurking in the background ... so enough villains and thrills eh?
Ratings: 7/10