Tuesday, November 11, 2014

197. Kazar vol 2 (ongoing) #2 ... Marvel ... Kubert n Waid ...

And now let's jump forward more than a decade to see this relaunch that actually started super-strong thanks to outstanding storyline and artwork ... but unfortunately faced the axe within 2 years thanks to declining sales!

I mean, come on! We are talking a Tarzan like character. In today's world, this is no biggie and you cannot expect people to follow such a series without an over-the-top artwork. See the covers as an example

I am a fan of Andy Kubert though his artwork doesn't always hit the mark as he sometimes get overly stylized but here in this issue, he hits it out of the park every single page and panel. Coupled with awesome inking and colouring and you know you have a winner!

In this issue, basically it picks up where 1 ended with both parents running around trying to track down the person who kidnapped their kid (hence the title on the cover).

And during the course of this quest they finally came face-to-face with their foe - of course we subsequently found out SPOILER ALERT that the villain is none other than Parnival, Ka-zar's back in civilization brother who hired this muscled goon as he has a phobia about germs! We kid you not!

But here, this guy, I don't think we have seen him before, his name is Gregor ... well Gregor is like this super nasty version of Kraven from Spidey series. He is a hunter, he kills and he his huge and super nasty ...

Roll out the jungle mat welcome people! Here comes the beatdown!

Ratings: 9/10

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