Tuesday, December 24, 2013

20. Bloodstrike #1 & 2 (vol 1) ... Image ...

Say what you want about 90s comics and the subsequent implosion of the speculator market ... but at the start of it all, the focus was on doing comics that fans and professionals enjoy, not critics and speculators. So before people who shouldn't be pencilling were actually given jobs and paid to boot, we have such wonderful comics as Bloodstrike and Brigade

What's cool about this?

It's a crossover with Brigade the regular series so  there is an actual storyline of a sort! Hahaha!

Anyway, the first cool thing is that cover with the "blood splatters" on a hardstock cover! Damn but do I love enhance covers and a signed one is just a special bonus. Hahaha!

Issue 1 is basically an introduction. We see that Brigade has a "mysterious" pony-tailed leader who loves tons of guns ala Cable. Then there is the short guy with the nasty attitude and a wee bit psychotic (think Puck and Sabretooth with Wolverine mask). After that you have the girl with 4-hands (hmmm), Shogun a Jap guy with a battle suit and finally another chick whose power is to freeze you by touching. So if you shoot her from afar she is dead! Hahahhhahaha! Lame ass power!

Anyway the villain is some fat guy who wants to and is taking over a secret govt installation. So our Bloodstrike is teleported to the outer perimeter. And all they do is just charge and shoot everyone and win! Yaaaaaaay! But then at the back of it all, they are going to be assigned a task and that is to take out a renegade super powered team called Brigade whose leader is the brother of Bloodstrike's leader. And with 2 teams that has about the same mix of attitude and firepower, issue 2 starts off with lots of fighting, grimacing and posturing and ends on a similar note. Again - yaaaaaay!

It's juvenile, it's fun, it's lots of blood and teeth splattered gratuitously! Don't think so much. Just enjoy and best of all it introduces some new artist named Dan Fraga (awesome work)

Ratings: (7/10)

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