Monday, May 12, 2014

59. Rom #17 & 18

Rom the Spaceknight. Here is one character that originated from a toy or vice versa that had a decent run but no more remakes and until today no further new stuff which is new/ odd and refreshing

We are reviewing these 2 issues together because it is one storyline and Rom has a number of earthling guest stars. Here, he teams up with then hottest Marvel property, the X-Men

Okay ... Rom is from another planet called Galador where their people looked like Earthlings. However, to combat the menace of an evil, they merged their human bodies with robot like creations thus becoming space knights where they roam the universe tracking down their evil enemies wherever it may yet spawn and the enemies? Dire Wraiths - blob like shape changers that can whip up scientific creations and magics

Here ... apparently Rom is in a small town and found some nastiness going on ... and as it is his series, it means a Dire Wraith. We have the X-Men tracking the source of some mutation and potential menace and naturally at first they fight. That's the standard in comics, right? But the fight is short as they discover the source of both of their problems called Hybrid

Why Hybrid? Because Hybrid's parents ... is 1 Dire Wraith and 1 Human for you see, while assuming a human form, this particular alien discovered that it can fall in love and fall in love it did producing a child that unfortunately is worse than parents ... and said child not only grew fast but murdered his parents and plan to rule all including Dire Wraiths

There are some pretty good action shots and dramatic moments here. If this is done in today's comics, one can just imagine how gorgeous the artwork would be but hey, this here issue? It's good

Ratings: 8/10

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