Tuesday, September 22, 2015

2.110 (475) Siege #1 ... Marvel ... #thor ... Siege Prologue and Siege Cabal

If based on original numbering, we are at another milestone - our 475th review - woooowheeee! And to celebrate, we turn back the clocks to one of the more seriously comic-ky miniseries from Marvel in the past decade - Siege!

Siege is part of the Bendis-Quesada ongoing yearly shake up of the Marvel U in the sense that it has a core story that impacts a more focused group (which in this series is the Asgardians), a character (Bob the Sentry) and finally move the overall landscape of the Marvel U (replacing Osborn with Cap America)

So is it important? Yes but more importantly, is it exciting? O fuck yes!

Unfortunately I am not a fan of series artist Coipel. He gets the work done but somehow his figures appear slightly "lumpy"? Anyway it's still good reading and the variant by Joe Q is awesome!

A little background - over the years of publishing, we see Thor's world facing Ragnarok, or the end of the Gods quite frequently only to return. In this particular cycle, Asgard is not as populous as it once was and Odin is absent. In addition, the city of Asgard is no longer hovering in its rightful place in space of the Nine Realms but rather appear a few feet above ground level in Oklahoma, USA

Also, due to events in earlier miniseries, Tony Stark and SHIELD lost credibility and Norman Osborn he of the Goblin fame seized said opportunity and deposed Tony. Incredulous as it may seem, Norman now runs the world peacekeeping taskforce Hammer and his own team of Avengers all composed of homicidal maniacs posing as heroes

Finally the Sentry is a hero whose powers are never clearly defined in his own miniseries except the weird tagline that he has the power of a thousand exploding suns or some such which means he is super fast and super strong but has a split personality issue or perhaps there is seriously something darker called the void inhabiting him. He is created using retcon. His origins are said to have been in the Marvel U forever except thanks to the void, he is trying to submerge all info regarding said darker persona and thus the world have somehow forgotten about him (yes I know hard to swallow)

So in issue 1, we see Norman fast losing his grip on sanity once more as his own evil persona starts talking to him, literally and Loki, God of Mischief decides that he is in line to rule Asgard but in order to do so, he has to cleanse the house of its protectors, make it weak so that he can come onboard to bring them back to the Nine Realms

What does Osborn do? He goes to his Illuminati for help only to find that a few of them object including Doom and what Doom does to them is amazing but oh so Doom!

Now the above happens in an issue called Pologue and Cabal

By the time the first issue starts, the stage is set, Norman understands what he needs to do to get the party itself kicking since the Prez of USA didn't allow him to invade Asgard and they used Volstagg the Fat God as the stooge to create a scenario of unease and fear. Then they launched an attack on Asgard without regard for the Prez. He did it with his own Avengers and the Initiative (training ground) easily hammering hard into Asgard!

What an opening arc eh?

Told you this was the real thing

Ratings 8/10

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