Thursday, July 13, 2017

725. Thanos Imperative #1 ... #Thanos ... #Infinity

[This is reviewed on 20th Dec 2017]

Well well well with the forthcoming inifinity avengers movie in 2018, we decided it would be good to take a look at some of the more recent adventures involving our friend, the purple man, Mr Thanos

Unfortunately if you are new to the series or comics or even out of the loop for a while this book is going to be a very difficult read. Firstly series writers Dan and Andy have been doing Marvel's cosmic series for a bit of a while and thus they kept on building from that point which is great for readers who have been following but for the rest of us? Not so good. Next is that artist Miguel did a bang up job and we meant it and so did Jay on colours but for some reason everything looks kinda dark, murky and full of unnecessary darkness/ shadows/ lines so we are not too sure who is responsible for what ...

Anyway, the story opens up in a quieter moment of the cosmic wars where the cosmic heroes, Nova and Peter Quill (of GOTG) are taking a breather after the big bad war with the Annihilation Wave. But this is not a vacation but a one page breather because they are sucked into the next mess which is when they received emergency confirmation from other now space-faring races that there is breach in the universe and that something else from another universe is coming through

Okay brace yourselves ... because that something else is actually some sort of life form that has infected all life in their universe and grown so much and so big that they needed to find a new universe to expand as theirs is full ... so if a universe is theoretically infinite how is that possible? Suspend your disbelief because ... hey this is comics

The next question then is how the heck did it happen?

The answer is that in the other universe, death has been conquered and no one is to die. However, as everyone is infected, even though they have their own individual personalities, they ultimately share the same vision as their body invasion bacteria or whatever

So the rest of the issue we see our space heroes fighting to save the initial fleet that was attacked before being joined by some of the cosmic entities like Galactus and Celestials with war being fought on both physical and other fronts and all the while we know that the invaders are searching and kidnapping entities they believed are anomalies but trying to find the right anomaly

And how does Thanos figure in all this?

As the person who worships death and intends to contribute to death's kingdom's expansion, he is perceived as the biggest threat to their universe's expansion plans but in this tale, our Thanos starts off with having less of his normal mental prowess and abilities though as the tale progresses he is recovering fast even as he joins the GOTG to invade the other universe called the cancerverse

After all that, you know inspite of the mess and headache you will be back for issue 2 right?

Ratings: 6/10

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