Thursday, July 20, 2017

727. Moon Knight 1980 #1 ... #Marvel ...

[This is reviewed on 19th Dec 2017]

Moon Knight has many similarities with the Batman. He is wealthy and smart and has businesses. But there are obvious differences as well although he dresses in a cape and works at night, he is completely covered in white. The reason is that he wants the villains to see him coming and to strike fear as he approaches

And over the course of the past three to four decades, while he has had many incarnations and some slight tweaks to his origins, the fundamentals are that he is a mercenary. After a disagreement, he was left for dead. He was saved because he was a tough nut and could last out the punishment or the fact that an Egyptian God of Vengeance named Khon-su resurrected him. But whichever version we are led to believe, he then operates as three different people with the primary being the rich dude Marc Spector. Others include taxi driver and what-not and somewhere along the line, his personality split and he has a psychosis problem

Unfortunately with every relaunch of his title, the authors keep fixated on the split personality psycho dude issue. If the relaunch is say once every 20 years to a new generation of readers, it may have been fine. But when it is less than say 5 years, then it feels like a re-telling only. Perhaps that's why while entertaining, his series as of late, never lasted long before cancellation

Anyhow, in terms of supporting cast, he has an on-again girlfriend named Marlene and a French bloke who flies his copter ... who started the tale as straight and subsequently thanks to more "diversification" became gay ...

In this tale, rather in this series, is the proper longest ongoing for Moon Knight and this book, the first issue covers a lot of ground which is more or less everything we stated above. So after he was resurrected, Marc quickly tracked down the man who would in every subsequent relaunch be his nemesis, Bushman - basically a tanned gentleman with weird face mask or tattoo and one of his co-merc. They had a good fisticuff action before he defeated the chap and left him for the authorities and so it ends this opening issue

In today's times? It probably is not enough to warrant coming back for second issue but back then, when there were less titles on the shelf and less new number 1, this would probably have killed it and yes, it serves its purpose because entire origin told in one issue. Artwork sad to say is average although later on with Bill S it will improve tremendously

Ratings: 5/10

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