Monday, March 10, 2014

36. Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2 #1 to 3 ... Marvel ...

Marvel Studios' next group or team superheroes movie is supposedly GOTG. Hence it is timely for us to do a review on a group that has the same name and that is the original itineration. The Marvel studios movie is based on a group after this

Basically we chose this volume to review because it is the longest running for this title at some 60 odd issues or over a span of 5 years with a few annuals of their own and guest starring roles in other issues. On top of that, Jim Valentino made his mark here before he moved onto Image and became Mr Self Indulgent (hahahaha)

So roll call:
Martinex - guy from Pluto looks like a diamond and can generate heat and cold; scientist; team leader

Charlie 27 - military chap from Jupiter (I think) and is super dense and strong; field strategist

Vance Astro - survivor from our timeline and a pain in the butt; telekinesis

Nikki - from the hottest planet and hence her fire hair; sharp shooter

Yondu - real alien hence blue and fin (before Larsen's Savage Dragon); he is like Hawkeye but is religious old world like American Indians and his whistling can control his arrows

Starhawk - another alien who is the mysterious member of the group. Most powerful; has premonition of the future; flight; energy blasts

As you can see from the above, they are not high on the power department except for Starhawk. So how the F*** do they think they are qualified to defend our galaxy from super nasty threats, right? Heck even the old Defenders have more fire and brain power than this group

But for some reason, I liked it. Maybe it's because it is retro yet set in the future with no continuity issues. Maybe it's because even though it is told in story arcs, each chapter moves fast enough that you don't feel like it is decompression story telling

Here is an example of these 3 issues:
Our heroes venture forth into the unknown looking for trouble to quell when Vance decided that he wants to hunt down the Shield of Captain America. Obviously he knows it doesn't have any special powers but its history is meant to be an inspiration. However, there is a vicious group after the same shield and so begins their race for the same object

Somewhere along the line, they encounter a new alien baddie (not just badoon) ... basically towards the end of Earth's fabled era, Stark sent off his tech for safety and landed in a backwater world. Aliens here thought it blessing from unknown gods. They learnt from it and took the name the Stark. So they have armour and are vicious

And as the cover shows to 3, Starhawk continues his own path regardless of his teammates plight. Of course, life could be better if he only bothers to communicate but then, where's the tension in the tale, eh? So naturally he has to be the mysterious chap that makes everyone hate him

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