Friday, June 6, 2014

66. West Coast Avengers Ltd Series #1 ... Marvel ...

There was a time, like 30 years ago (wow that makes me feel so old), when Marvel's Avengers was popular but not the flagship title. And there was only one Avengers title each month on the stands unlike now with its flurry of Avengers (New, Mighty, Dark, etc)

So when it was time to launch a spin-off title, this was it. A test. Thus a 4-issue limited series and it made good sense. With most series base on the East, who is looking after the West? So Avengers long-time member, Hawkeye is sent by the Vision to the West with his new bride, Mockingbird to establish a base for the Avengers. Of course, back in the main series of Avengers, we were given glimpses of the true intention of Vision in doing this

But aside from that, the fun is seeing Hawkeye and Mockingbird opening the ranks rosters and looking at potential applicants figuring who will fit in and who will not. That's after all the best part of a team book, eh?

And the cover says it all as it gives a good representation of the bunch of characters living on the West including some ex-Avengers like Tigra and Wonder Man

Of course, while all this positive energy is being projected, we need a villain of the piece and this series introduced us to a new player named the Blank who may or may not be attached to someone from the Avengers past and who is sometimes (in the hands of the right writer) a major power player

So if you have the budget and can find this issue, we propose you get it, read it and share it; not keep it sealed in its protective plastic cover (hah)

Ratings: 7/10

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