Sunday, June 15, 2014

70. Wetworks vol 1 #1 ... Image ... Whilce Portacio ...

With this, Whilce shows us the pinnacle of his ability. You know it's going to be good simply from the teaser ads where we were told how long the wait was, how much ink, paper, etc was used in the production of this comic and it was no lie

Sad to say, this was before the online days and I didn't follow all the fanzine chatter so I had no idea Whilce had a personal tragedy that caused most of the delay but so glad to know he bounced back and produced something so much better than his Marvel days

I loved his work in X-Factor not so much in X-Men but here? He blew everything away

This is a comicbook, not a superhero comicbook. There are no costumes

It's about a military wetworks team i.e. people who go and do nasty stuff to others. On one mission, they realized that all is not as it seems and that they were being expended on account of they are being expendable. In addition, not only was their side hiding something, the enemies were not entirely human. It was a gathering of the creatures who lived in darkness - vampires, werewolves and others and apparently there is going to be a rebellion as an upstart wants to take over the ruling power and bring back former glory to his people

So our friends with guns realized they were over-matched and basically screwed. What did they do? Well as luck would have it, they stumbled across some biological shit in vats and accidentally blasted those vats and .... voila! Out jumps some shiny goo that latches onto one of them and ... transforms them one by one into shining warriors that are impervous to bites, scratches and bullets

That's the thrust of the comicbook ... actually I typed movie ... then had to delete it. See? This is that good. The first arc (3 issues) should and can make a good movie

Glad to have you back Whilce!

Ratings: 10/10

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