Saturday, May 9, 2015

2.11 (376) Fantastic Four vol 2 #13 ... Marvel ...

Wow am I feeling bad right now. I was going to do this review and checked to my archives master control list thingie to ensure that we do not do a double review and to my absolute embarrassment, I found that over the past year plus ... I have hardly ever done any FF even thought I have most of vol 3 and all of vol 2 and a few hundred issues of vol 1. UGH!

So here it is the final issue from the Heroes Reborn era as Marvel attempts to consolidate all the one year old universe storyline into one major arc and bring all these heroes back into the regular Marvel Universe

If you have not been following the series or at least the past issue of this and its three sister titles of Avengers, Iron Man and Captain America, it is going to be confusing but basically you just need to know that there was a bad guy named Onslaught who was created when Xavier shut down Magneto's mind. And this chap created a huge powerful energy arc that is going to wipe out creation. Many heroes then rush into the arc to absorb and block with their own mortal shells and thus BANG "died" only to be reborn in another universe called Heroes Reborn where their back stories are being told from scratch albeit with alterations from the regular universe

Got it?

At this, the 13th issue in all 4 series what we do get is that since Jim Lee is now headlining all 4 titles, he brought his own Wildstorm characters onboard and that's where it got really confusing. We see different versions of our regular heroes as they fight an alien menace all the while ... something else big is going on and I have no idea why even the Heroes Reborn universe is suddenly mixed with Wildstorm because if you read the first 12, this is not in

So for me, it's a total FAILURE for the 13th issue - sorry to all who liked it

Also the artwork changed from Jim Lee and Brett Booth to Mike Wieringo and sorry to Mike but this looked so below his norm. I am a huge fan of Mike and loved his Robin works and later on when he took over the regular FF (years after this run) but this single issue looks so not like his normal

Ratings: 2/10

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