Tuesday, October 7, 2014

162. Ultimate X-Men vol 1 #34 ... Marvel ... David Finch (artist) ...

[If you are a regular reader of my reviews, you will know I am a huge fan of Finch. So for once I am not going to extol whole paragraphs to Finch and why I am so into his works]

Anyway, after the successful launch of this particular series, with mainly a Kubert onboard as artist, how do you top up or at least match the success when Kubert wants to move on? You put one of the hottest artists in American comics publishing of the past decade - Finch and this series just moved up another notch

Just check out that awesome cover. Wolverine is gritty without being too chunky while Spidey actually seems like a regular high school kid who thanks to his newfound powers now exercises regularly. In fact, I would love to collect Spidey if Finch is onboard as artist

Hmmm ... I still ended up talking about the art, eh?


As the cover indicates, this is a new arc entitled Blockbuster and the opening scene here is awesome. We have a quiet scene that sees Wolvie leaving the X-Mansion and chilling out. However, life with W is never quiet and next thing you know, men in diaper trucks are shooting the F out of him and those bullets? Actually hurt

So he needs to get away and get away he did (as expected). However he has been through a world of hurt and he is hurt by a team of agents that seemed to be govt. But are they?

As he turned tail and flee, again NO spoilers here, the cover tells all, he seeks refuge in the house of one Peter Parker ... simply because in one of their earlier team-ups, apparently W tailed Spider home! If this is not retcon ... then again I have no idea which issue they are referring to but it doesn't matter. We see Peter freaked out and then ... it's team up time! 

Ratings: 8/10

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