Wednesday, October 15, 2014

170. Psyba Rats #1 to 3 ... DC ...

Pssst for those who do not know, in the world of Batman, there have been tons of Robin ... some you can say are "canon" ... and some are "alternate realities" ... anyway the main few (please don't PM for those who will say I miss some because this is not meant to be exhaustive listing) are Dick Grayson (1st chap), Jason Todd (the one who got killed via phone call survey back before the internet), Tim (the one with the longest running solo series) and Damian (Batman's son) ...

This limited series is during Tim's era

And Tim is one of those non-super-powered but seemed like super-powered type of character. He is smart at everything, intuitive, super athlete, super agile and super fast at picking up fighting styles! I kid you not. If you meet him in school, you will hate him. Hahahahaha!

I am not sure why they did a limited series when it could have easily been slotted into his then ongoing series but this series focuses on some of the "lucky" people who have gained their abilities overnight and what they did with them

So here are 3 persons, youthful who decided not to be altruistic but to make a living. As the cover shows, the girl has arms that are metallic. Her mates inc the chap on the left typing away and another that is inside the screen!

As for the military chaps, basically they stole some info to sell to others and naturally the bad guys do not want to leave evidence behind. So they are attacked viciously and in comes Robin to save the day. While I bought the 3 issues, I have to wonder ... although the bad guys are bad guys ... but these 3 kids are not angels either ... Robin should have thrown their asses in jail or brought them to the law!

Still, the workmanlike artwork ... works ... and the storyline is decent enough (although nothing special) for an afternoon's read

Ratings: 6/10

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