Tuesday, October 28, 2014

183. Dazzler vol 1 #2 ... Marvel ...

From the Canadian super team, we turn our attention to the only female mutant super-hero who actually has her own ongoing series. I mean, we know Storm is strong and Rogue is a long time fan fave while X-23 is a Wolvie knock-off. Yet all of them have only like one-shots and mini-series while this disco glam lady started straight off in her own ongoing ... and even has a 4-issue limited series with the Beast before she became a part of the X-family!

So while today's readers may slam her and her retro look, all I can say "You go, gal!"

In fact the latest redesign of Dazz makes her look so weird and her behaviour is so not Dazz anymore. Sure people grow and change but that person in comics now? Except name and powers she is nothing like the Dazler of old

So this is her second issue and we are featuring this issue is because ... in order to ensure she has strong sales ... Marvel wisely threw in a ton of guest stars. Basically you have everyone from FF, Avengers, X-Men and solo (at that time) player, Spidey too!


Because Dazz is performing in a club and her super powered friends are coming out to enjoy and support her. Naturally for the sake of some action, we have the Enchantress! But hey she isn't the main attraction here and like we said, her appearing is merely to give the story some action scenes. Otherwise, it is still a good read about a young woman trying to find her way in this world without compromising on her dreams of being a singer instead of a lawyer like what her dear old dad wanted ... and we can all sure relate to that, right? Hah!

Ratings: 7/10

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