Tuesday, March 3, 2015

309. Hulk vol 1 #273 ... Marvel ...

The Hulk's stories, aside from him smashing things up, is generally a story about a man on his journey through various stages of exhibiting his repressed anger. Or at least, in the first few decades of the Hulk's tales, this is generally through

In this issue, the cover is about the second 10 pages of this comic

The first part wraps up the huge crossover of the past issue where the Hulk teamed up with Sasquatch to take down Wendigo (loved Wendigo). And here, as he struggles to reconcile with a Hulk that has Banner's intelligence, we find that his hold on Banner-hood (for want of a better phrase) is tenuous at best. Because when he questioned why the Mounties are pointing guns at him, he loses it and becomes the old Hulk Smash within moments

Aside from this, we get a glimpse of something else developing i.e. the supporting cast of Betty and Rick that now has an alien girl added to the mix. If you are not a regular, you will be entertained albeit confused on who she is although with that nice costume, it does make us want to know her more

And finally, we come to the reason for that cover

Well, basically, we needed a bit of action. So after leaving Canada and the Mounties, the Hulk calms down a wee bit and has back the intelligence of Banner. What's he decided to do? Prove that he can do good by helping the locals. However, the ending with the alien encounter is a nice twist. Sure, I agree that it isn't Banner's fault. After all, he isn't a mind reader. How was he to know why things were going that way, eh? But still ...

Ratings: 6/10

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