Saturday, October 4, 2014

159. Weird War Tales #95 ... DC ...

From superheroes and tights and capes, let's take a jaunt back in time in terms of publishing schedule and topic to Weird War Tales. War comics is something I discovered late but found them to be entertaining because they provide a welcome relief from the usual drama and slam-bang over-the-top action of superheroes series

WWT sometimes have a successful strip that will then continue taking up pages in every issue (but rarely the full issue) until some other character takes prominence. In this issue, it is a mish-mash of stories with some very brief

However, the cover story actually took place in side and is quite interesting even though the actual scene as per cover may not be the same within the internal storyline. And we start with this issue because it bears a little more resemblance to our usual superheroes' stuff

We have the war (naturally) and we have people in the same army outfit but with some being a bully to others. So the one chap who was bullied decided to bring forth an ancient incantation to sort of teach the bully a lesson. However, like all such magics in all such comics, a lesson (with morals) need to be taught and hence we are left wondering if it is an illusion or did the nasty as per the cover actually occur?

In short, there are NO Nazis ass kicking this issue but rather something more supernatural ...

Ratings: 5/10

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