Saturday, October 18, 2014

173. Y The Last Man #1 ... DC ... Vertigo ...

This series like most Vertigo series has adopted the fixed format i.e. they run for years but with a definite end in mind. Anyway, so it has ended but we are revisiting it because it is such a good series at the start although like all long-running series tends to lose steam mid-way and then a rush to the end

Why is it good?

Well, let's start with the awesome covers. All of the covers are super gorgeous and the interior artwork is a bit workmanlike but is perfect for the series because there are no spandex types or big action scenes

And as for the story, well no spoilers here but imagine waking up one morning ... waltzing around and discovering that you are ... literally the last male left on planet earth ... last male except for you monkey

Our man, Yorick is such a man ... so disasters abound everywhere ... from hospitals and what-not with all the men dropping dead ... is it some biological agent gone wrong? But to have immediate global effect?

While Yorick goes out exploring and trying to find his way to his girl friend, the world of women must now try to make sense of what happened and find a way to continue ... which as all of you can imagine would later include propagation of the human species ... so you know a lot is going to come in the months/ issues ahead and that makes this series so refreshing ... we have both the bigger picture and the quieter more human moments mashed together so well here

Congratz to the team who came up with this!

Ratings: 8/10

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