Monday, October 13, 2014

168. Medieval Spawn & Witchblade #1 ... Image ... Brandon Petersen ...

During the second half of the old 90s comics boom, Image began to have spin-off in the form of limited series for its popular characters and in this, we have from Todd Mc's Spawn and Top Cow's Witchblade coming together ...

Featured artist is Brandon Petersen .. he who has jobs at X-Men, who has some of his own fans but somehow never reached the height of his fellow superstar artists ... even though his lines are clean and his work is detailed ... that's life, eh?

Anyway, as the title implies, this series is not about the current Spawn and Witchblade but the past ... so Spawn ... is a power granted to certain people and with it they come back to life (not as zombies mind you) with some energy to carry out certain tasks before that energy level ends ... as for Witchblade, it is an artifact that somehow prefers to attach itself to action-oriented babes who go in for skimpy clothing

And there the two of them from the past joined together to combat a new threat to existence ... naturally their initial meeting is one of tension before they teamed up ...

As you will notice, we do not focus on telling you too much but instead gives you only the set up. Why? Check out the cover. If you like the art, you will buy the series. Otherwise, you won't bother

Ratings: 6/10

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