Thursday, October 9, 2014

164. Ultimate X-Men vol 1 #41 ... Marvel ... David Finch ...

This next chapter in the arc is completely stand alone which is great. It is so well-crafted that you would not realize it is part of an arc. In fact, it reads not even like an X-Men book but can be a solo Wolverine one-shot

We open the book to find a picture postcard small town

Next a kid wakes up

And to his utter amazement ... he finds that everything is in his house ... just not everyone or anyone else ... he looks around but couldn't find anyone ... and at this point, you are thinking perhaps this is an episode of Twilight Zone?


Well, this is one incident where we get to see how bad sometimes mutations can be. In this case, this innocent looking lad, who is your average kid is going to get a f**king wake up call the day his powers kicked in!

Talk about nasty out of control powers

Basically by the time the lad realizes what is going in, he has done tons of damage and the only X-Man who can assist him is Wolverine. Yes. Wolverine. Assist a boy! For this particular chapter, the book ends quite ... abruptly ... but with no hidden motive and hints of a bigger picture. So it makes the book feel complete by itself ... sigh ...

Very powerful and emotional tale here folks!

Ratings: 9/10

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