Tuesday, October 14, 2014

169. Mighty Avengers vol 1/2 #2 ... Marvel ... Frank Cho ...

As the next Avengers movie is coming and its trailers are everywhere, we thought it timely to review this issue

During the initial run of Mighty Avengers featuring babe-artist, Frank Cho ... naturally we have to have as many pics of curvalicious women as possible including ... a female version of Ultron! Yes, that's him/it as her/ it on the cover ... hehehe

And this issue is awesome!

Following from the Avengers first outing, here the problem builds up and leave the Avengers stumped. With so many challenges coming, it is beginning to look like the disassembled arc from years ago that launched the Avengers comic into the sales stratosphere charts ...

And to the horror of the Avengers, in this issue, they found out who!

It is really cool to see an Iron Man whose armor may have been compromised ... and suddenly gasping and gagging ... and BANG ... it's Ultron but as a chick! Hahahahahaha!

Naturally there are loads of action but as this is Bendis on writing chores, you just now this is not going to be a told in one or told in two kind of stories but rather a loooooooooong series. Still with gorgeous art, tons of action and scene after scene of supes in full uniform, this is an awesome read

So go and BUY it already!

Ratings: 8/10

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