Saturday, October 11, 2014

166. Iron Man vol 2 #3 ... Marvel ... Whilce Portacio ...

Remember our rant from the last post? Well here we are proven right. Look at that cover. If you really scrutinize the details, yes the armor is done well. But as a whole, it fails to pop. Now whether that is due to production works or the colourist or whatever, I have no idea but as an end user or a buyer or a fan, that cover just fails to grab attention and looks "old"

However ... and thank goodness there is a however ... anyone who has read and enjoyed issues 1 and/ or 2 ... will pick this up on the strength of how good the earlier work was and WOULD NOT BE disappointed. There! We said it in caps!

We have the end of the fight between Hulk and Iron Man as we see them tear through each other and their surroundings. We see Tony realizing the Hulk is not Hydra or Hydra-related and that there is more going on beneath his former radar of attention span and we see .. Hulk and Tony zipping through the air, dive bombing into the sea ... and lots more

What do you want to know? What more?

Enough, right!

Suffice to say, that this issue ends the first arc and leaves us in a good position for the rest of the series. It ended well not with 100% closure but with sufficient points of satisfaction. So it is now time to move forward ... and we will definitely be back with issue 4

Ratings: 7/10 (1 point deducted because of the cover sorry!)

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