Wednesday, December 3, 2014

219. X-Force vol 1 #5 to 7 ... Marvel ...

I was going to spread this over 3 reviews and then ... when I looked at the awesome covers by Rob Liefeld ... I just couldn't wait any more and decided to do this all at once ... after all, it is one story arc!

So our dear X-force team, after a huge fight for absolutely no good reason except to show their teeth with spittle dripping everywhere, fled back to the Indian reservation where they are supposedly hiding or something. This is their idea of downtime. With some members resting, others are gritting their teeth, shouting at each other with fists clenched. Hey! This is the era of Rob's X-Force and if you don't like it ... stay the F away ... because we LOVED it inspite of all its "oddities"

5 - as the cover indicates shows us that the Brotherhood of Evil is back and this time the leadership is by Toad who apparently, becomes like the Beast in terms of intellectual capabilities. Not sure how it happened but it did and apparently they decided they need Sauron ... and so they had to kill some people to give Sauron energy to feed and transform!

6 - is the official run into each other and fight issue. X-Force is still having their heart-to-heart when they are suddenly attacked by the Brotherhood

7 - you see Sam on the cover fallen? Okay it happened inside as well. For no clear reason in this issue (or subsequent issue), somehow while Sam is blasting and supposedly invulnerable, Sauron could gut him making him collapse (yup we know but like we said this is the era of Rob so go with it). What's really cool here? Some of the scenes that had the characters almost in black silhouette. What's not so cool? Skinny babes who are maybe 1/3 the size of Cable's thighs hahaha! From the cover, it's 1/4!

Still lots of fighting and naturally at the end, Cable comes, grits his teeth and shoots everything and everyone. No real conclusion in terms of the baddies getting nailed but rather they made a run for it and we have the Cannonball situation to deal with. From his issue 2 challenge of being gutted by team mate Feral to this issue, one would not be mistaken to assume that this is how Rob likes Cannonball - gutted every 6 issues once! Hahahaha!

Ratings: 8/10

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