Tuesday, December 16, 2014

232. Ultimate Spider Man vol 1 #8 ... Marvel ... Bagley ...

I am not sure why since the day the Spider is introduced, he has been a hit from comics to cartoons to movies ... although honestly I only enjoyed Spidey in all mediums except the comics ... don't get me wrong ... I tried but found it hard to stomach

I did the Marvel Tales reprints here and there ... found Spider average ... did an Essential or two and that didn't work for me either ... I even subscribed to Marvel Online and read a few and again, didn't do beans for me

But when the Ultimate line was launched? BANG I was addicted. I collected quite a fair bit of the floppies and subsequently read it until the end in either TPB or softcopy from friends

So this issue ... continues after the first arc ... where Spidey is still not well known out there in the regular world ... he is more bogeyman at this stage ... and anyone who encounters him is of two minds ... some believe he is good while others he is a villain ... as per our opening arc here! What a laugh ... or at least a genuine smile inducement moment!

Next up, as Spidey goes on his life, he needs to make a living ... and thus decided to take photos of himself then tries to hawk it to the newspapers ... as fans of the original Spider series will know ... this means time for the Daily Bugle and its characters - JJJ, Robbie, Brant and others ... the good thing about the Ultimate is reporter Ben Urich (who is mainstay in DD not Spider in the original Marvel U) ... is a reporter here who sometimes inspire and sometimes assist Peter Parker

And here ... Spidey found out about someone called the Kingpin and how he may have ties to the chap who killed his uncle Ben ... so you know what comes next, right? Right?

Ratings: 8/10

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