Thursday, July 2, 2015

2.65 (430) X-Force vol 1 #15 ... Marvel ...

For those who are not following the first version of X-Force, you may not know of Tolliver. He is a shadowy guy in the background supposedly rich and powerful and trying to do mysterious things of which we are never shown and thus never understand him until his demise

His demise SPOILER ALERT begins and ends here and after this, it continues as a scavenger hunt in a Deadpool limited series. Even that while interesting ... is like the saying where the journey is more interesting than the ending itself

Ah well ...

But what made this great is the cover! We have huge fight scene between Cable and Deadpool with everyone not knowing whether Cable made it out alive at the end or not (come on!)

So basically finally using his brains, Cable figured that all his shit stems from Deadpool who is working for Tolliver. Tolliver has captured Cable's ex-team member the real Domino and Cable decides that it is time for him to bring the beatdown and here he comes, clunky armor and guns and what-not!

Ratings: 7/10

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