Wednesday, July 8, 2015

2.71 (436) X-Factor vol 1 #61 ... Marvel ...

Once more we skipped forward a couple of years to the next big event in the Mutant verse and this time around, it's called the X-tinction Agenda and it involves the entire Mutant family as apparently in small island nation Genosha, the humans have managed to enslave the entire country and using mutants to do a lot of menial and special tasks

When we talk about mutants here, it is not just regular but special or activated mutants. Of course, some are brainwashed to even become magistrates. Magistrates are like police special forces armed with high-tech weaponry

In this ongoing chapter, we see as the cover shows, a battle between Cable who is in deep shit over his team going out to take a strike against a Cameron Hodge ... the latter of whom is now more machine than man but his hatred remains. On a slightly more dramatic yet sentimental mode, we have Jean caring for Wolvie

The one let down here is the artwork for me. I mean at this time, we have artists like Jim Lee on Uncanny producing the other chapters to this crossover and after reading a Lee issue to come to this rushed looking work? UGH!

Ratings: 6/10

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