Saturday, July 4, 2015

2.67 (432) Supreme Power Nighthawk #2 ... Marvel ...

Steve Dillon is one of the few artists whose sparse linework actually appeals to me. If you do not know his work, check out Punisher or Preacher and you can see it. He doesn't do too many fancy camera angles and in fact keeps it almost eye level and yet ... or perhaps it is because he is always paired with awesome writers who goes way over the top with violence when Dillon is onboard?

Whatever the reason, this issue rocks

For those not in the know, apparently this version of Nighthawk is from a parallel universe where a minor Marvel team called Supreme whatever has been reimagined ... as I am not a fan or have much knowledge of that first team, this was fine with me and apparently this is a spin off

In this issue, 2 of 6, we see psycho mild-mannered chap finally breaking out of prison where he has been apparently locked away and mentally zoned into coma like state .... where it was all pretence and he has decided to up the ante with immediate effect. You see, in his normal un-psycho part of life, he is a chemist. So ... he begins

And at this stage, Nighthawk is a rich angry young man who goes about trying to right the wrongs in his owl-like suit, kicking ass and hurling irons (I know, I know - it's comics)

Naturally when we see drug users starting to OD and blood gushing out everywhere we know who to suspect but hey they are drug pushers and users ... but is that the true extent, the scope of our madman's plan or is there something even more sinister at work?

And for that, you need the next issue - simply entertaining!

Ratings: 7/10

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