Monday, July 20, 2015

2.79 (444) WildCATS/ X-Men Golden Age ... Marvel n Image ...

Well, well, well ... in happier times, Marvel and Image finally decided to work together to pull this crossover series off ... mind you this is before Jim Lee's Wildstorm studios and characters were acquired and absorbed into the DC mythos

So here we see a series of one-shots showing us that the Cats and X-Men have actually encountered each other over the years i.e. not in alternate realities but in this, our prime reality and thus trying to make it seem like they are all in 616 and such a joy to read

This is the first issue to be released and it features an almost black-n-white style of artwork from superstar Travis Charest. While I loved Jim Lee, Travis, if I dare say so (and why not, eh) outdid even Lee here in this one shot

As for story, it talks about the time of the war, back when we have Nazis running around doing crazy experiments and a perpetual torn in the side of the Nazis is super-soldier Wolverine. However, at that point, W didn't know about the fact that aliens have taken on the identity of human Nazis and are actually in cahoots with the stormies

Enter Zealot! She who is from another offshoot of aliens named Khera and has stayed on our planet hundreds of year constantly battling Daemonites wherever they may rear their ugly head and one of the most pertinent of these nasties are now with the Nazis ... and so our 2 heroes met!

Awesome art, awesome story, awesome action sequences - what more do you need?

Ratings: 9/10

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