Tuesday, July 14, 2015

2.75 (440) Wolverine Origins vol 1 #13 ... Marvel ...

Well, well, well what a surprise this issue turns out to be. It may be the middle point of the story but the amount of action here is literally non-stop from opening until the next cliff hanger ending! There are a few things that didn't make sense but hey this is comics, right? Hehehe!

Anyway, finally we caught up with Wolverine once more as we see him using more brains than brawns at the outset (love the firemen and police set up) before encountering Daken and then all hell broke loose!

What is there to tell? They exchanged a few words and then tore into each other ... SPOILER ALERT ... I just cannot believe that there as no scent of Daken even when he was like behind his dad and he was wearing regular shoes so there should be sound ... and what the fuck is that with shooting W in the chest and with what? Never shown or explained but W was well and truly smacked and defeated !!!

And then enter Cyber ... except Cyber came for Daken too and not W ... WTF?!?!?!?!

Ratings: 7/10

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