Tuesday, July 28, 2015

2.82 (447) West Coast Avengers vol 1 #12 ... Marvel ...

Well, at least we managed to do 4 reviews of comics that is not from Marvel, eh? So now we move back to more familiar territory - West Coast Avengers. It has been a while since we did a review from this - when this first came out, we remembered following it avidly for slightly more than 2 years before it became a little too retro from artwork to storyline and slowly but surely by year 3 we dropped it

But hey this is issue 12th and in a time of double-sized specials, this is a single-sized issue and the start of a storyline that has been building from earlier issues

As the cover shows, from out of nowhere, for no apparent reasons, our wonderful agents of Avengers found that they are attacked ... by super beings that are not just powerful but almost inhuman ... and represents three of the four natural forces in our world

We have Zzzax ... a being composed of electricity ... and a Hulk villain. So you know this means that he is going to be one tough cookie to swallow ... next along the line is a female whose uniform is in tatters called Halflife and as her name implies ... her touch is deadly ... and to round this up we have Quantum ... a guy who is clearly an alien and doesn't speak English ... not only is he super strong but he can replicate himself into so many figures that there is just no way for our Avengers to beat him

So what does the Avengers do? Well, to tell you here would be revealing, right? Buy the book for goodness' sakes!

Ratings: 7/10

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