Sunday, July 5, 2015

2.68 (433) Thor vol 2 #19 ... Marvel ...

Firstly, our apologies for hopping back on the Thor bandwagon but be patient, readers as this is a one-issue blip. Why are we doing this? Because as we are reorganizing our comics box, this is the first issue that came up

Anyway, during the hot run by Jurgens and Romita, apparently all those chunky simple linework actually takes more time for Romita than can be expected. So every now and then, like this issue, there is a filler artist which is just DAMN annoying

Michael Ryan ... is ... umm ... he isn't bad and in his own work, way in Image or Wildstorm as I cannot really recall ... he is acceptable but here ... even though it is a monthly comic it is jarring1

This issue is a continuation from waaaaaaay back in issue 1 with many subplots continuing to be developed and the primary thrust is as per the cover. So in short, you may find it confusing but it may also be interesting enough for you to go pull out the old discount bins

For here, we see Loki's plan continuing afoot as he dares to travel and bargain with all sorts of denizen from netherworld to release one ... ex human host or ties to Thor. But why? Well, that last page? Wow so unexpected and while we do not know if said human host is under Loki's influence, if you are a regular reader you will know that there is already suspicion on his character

And on the main cards, we see Thor and Odin, finally swallow some male pride as they accepted a helping hand from a human who is a lady to boot in the form of Scarlet Witch. She helps them burst free from their trap and then together confront the three Kirby-inspired looking baddies one of whom has been lately manipulating Thor's hammer by inhabiting within ala the Destroyer - yes, yes, yes - very confusing like we said but o so much fun!

Ratings: 7/10 (would have been higher if it was full JR Jr)

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