Sunday, July 26, 2015

2.81 (446) Weapon Zero vol 1 #4 ... Image ...

It had to happen, right? After the first arc that ended with issue 3, the team found out that they now had the support of a few people with limited resources. So what's a predominantly time displaced team to do?

Well it seems that Kikuyo, a Jap gal, used to come from money and so ... it's time to make a trip home to visit Japan ... as is the norm in such comics, no one gives a damn about passports and international boundaries and before you know it, bang, they are in the land of the rising sun

Now even though years may have passed, the next crazy thing is because Benitez is so awesome at drawing weapons and armour ... guess what?
The Jap @ home is also garbed in all these hi-tech shit. It all looks very pretty (finally) and loved the colouring. So what happens next? Well, that's why they have see you in next issue blurb at the end. Hahaha!

Ratings: 7/10

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