Saturday, November 1, 2014

187. Eternals vol 1 #1 ... Marvel ... Jack Kirby ...

I am a fan of comics but I do not have the entire encyclopediac knowledge on who did what and when. Therefore as I am not going to do research as well ... you will forgive me if my review is somewhat simplistic. Otherwise, please skip this review


Well because we are discussing Jack the King Kirby people and he is a legend just like Stan the Man Lee! Hehehe!

Firstly, I do agree with Kirby's legions of fans, both professional and amateurs, that his work is amazing. I am impressed by the amount of ideas he managed to cram into this one issue and how original the thinking are at times. Equally WOW is the artwork. Now, don't misunderstand me when I say I am not a fan of Kirby when he is drawing his chunky best. What I mean is that the people all look chunky and clumsy. Example: Captain America on some of Kirby's issues

But here, check out the cover and some interiors, Kirby's work is simply breath-takingly WOW!

What about the story you ask? It's just great as we get to see an archeologist and his daughter discover a new place for dig and starts to get into the answers only to find out that what they have stumbled into is so mind-blowingly out of popular theory!

You see, they found the secrets of the Space Gods - a race of gigantic robot like beings who travel the cosmos seeding it with life. Then every few years or millenia the Space Gods will come back to inspect the output of their dabbling to determine if fit to continue to multiply or be destroyed by the Gods

In addition, the arche also learned that there is more than one branch of humanity - the goody two shoe Eternals and the crawling below Main Street Deviats

And it is into this heady mix of ideas, characters and awesome art that we found ourselves in. And what a greeeeeeeeat place to be at

Ratings: 9/10

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