Sunday, November 16, 2014

202. Ms Marvel vol 1 #4 ... Marvel ...

I love Ms Marvel. Don't get me wrong here. I have no problems reading chics as the lead in comics. In fact, I completed the back issue run on Dazzler and some will scream LAME, right?

So for this particular run, I did read a few but didn't follow up actively because of 2 reasons:

(a) I love comics in colour and the Essentials are in black n white
(b) Thanks to the Avengers and her newer series, this old series became expensive to collect

If not for that, I would still have bought this series even if it is kind of lame. I mean look at that cover!

First up, the bad guy. He is a smart alec but not on the scale of Richards or Stark. In an earlier appearance  (yes this is 4 and he has appeared before) all he did was try to attack her and got his butt whipped. For a smart guy, all he could come up with is a skin tight costume that has a horn that shoots blasts of energy. Sure it's powerful but the aim ain't easy and it's a slow firing type. Sigh!

So here he is once more and this time, as the cover indicates, he is trying to acquire more power and as usual, Ms Marvel comes across him and stops him, more or less


What's really lame is that cover that screams "THIS FEMALE FIGHTS BACK". I mean, WTH right? Female? Really? And then fights back? Are they saying that women during that era regardless of their abilities generally stand back and let men do everything and if having to defend themselves will just lie down and screech for help?

Come on!

Ratings: 3/10

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