Friday, November 21, 2014

207. Rom #21 ... Marvel ...

For Rom the series, to keep its sales going, similar to Dazzler, Marvel would mix it up with guest stars that are "hot" (like the X-Men) and newer heroes that can benefit from the exposure so that we believe Marvel can see whether to have spin off or not

So for this issue it is the Human Torpedo (say who?) except that there's some retcon going on the Torpedo's history. Basically he is an insurance sales chap who was given the costume by someone who was fleeing from his employer and by donning on this, it gives him ability to "fly" and his Torpedo punch and what-not

And because he has a costume, he feels the need to play hero only SPOILER ALERT in a past adventure he realized he made a mistake and endangered his family

Thus that is the background info you require ... as this issue sees him relocating his family to Clairton where Rom is as it seemed more quiet and he hoped that those he was fleeing from will not be able to track him down. Unfortunately, his bosses are also Dire Wraith including the Rocketeers although they all looked human. Therefore it is not surprising that a mistake by his wife let those in power know where he has hidden himself and tracked him down

And then as this is Marvel, coincidences abound. Rom is looking to go home to Galador, home planet but may take weeks or months ... and he is hoping to find someone to replace him ... good coincidence and naturally the enemy of Torpedo turns out to be Dire Wraiths, Rom's ancient enemy ..

Ratings: 6/10

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