Sunday, November 2, 2014

188. Excalibur vol 1 #3 ... Marvel ...

From all those more (dare we say it?) obscure comics, now we move on to something more mainstream something from the world of the mutants ... for you see ... waaaaay back in the 80s, Marvel decided to have one new X-team based out of the British isles

Naturally, stereotypes abound but it's more of the charming type than negative type which is to be expected when you have Alan Davis onboard and what great work he turns out

Check out that awesome cover and the funny remarks! Sure it reads as if it is a panel from within the book but it's hilarious, eh?

And the best thing about this book is that there is indeed action and not just loads of talking heads

Anyway, after the opening chapter (issues 1 and 2), we see the Excalibur team finally settling down in their HQ of a light house only to be summoned to fix a situation for someone has seen fit to free the Juggernaut! But the lump that he is, he merely decides to walk out instead of having an idea of where to go. Naturally then as you see on the cover rash Captain B comes out a punching and that's what happened to him

It is a tale told in one issue simply because of the dynamic power of the team

For those who didn't read our earlier reviews or never heard of this team, the members are:

(a) Captain Britain - super strength and flight, wealth and supposed good looks and intelligence
(b) Meggan - odd behaviour almost like some alien race lover of (a) with shape changing abilities and able to channel power from somewhere else
(c) Nightcrawler - X Men
(d) Shadowcat - X Men
(e) Phoenix - X Men - Rachel Grey not Jean Grey

Ratings: 8/10

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