Monday, November 10, 2014

196. Ka-zar vol 1 (ongoing vol) #18 ... Marvel ...

Wow this issue brings back memories ... one of the earliest comics I have ever read ... and back then it was mostly the pictures rather than words that I enjoyed ... hehehe ...

Anyway, Ka-zar for those who didn't know is Marvel's answer to Tarzan. Here is a rich man's son who is trapped in a forgotten jungle and grown up there amongst the local savages and creatures to rise above it all and sort of bring justice to the jungle. Somewhere along the line, he discovered our "real" world and has since walked both worlds ...

The main difference is that in Ka-zar's world there are lost tribes, men who are not homo sapiens and dinosaurs roam freely ...

In this first series, he had yet to wed or have a kid ... which is his current status

So what's this issue about? It is a middle issue with the primary thrust of the storyline starting a few issues ago where Ka-zar came upon some problems brewing in the lands ... especially between different tribes ... and being the busy body that he is, he got caught up in one and now the other

In this issue, he has been caught and is expected to fight gladiator style in the Arena ... as the cover indicates, the land is populated by those odd-looking creatures. However, their so-called ruler is a human woman ... SPOILER ALERT ... who somehow has a crush on Ka-zar but is naturally spurn by our blond hero ...

And the comic element which to me is more annoying is the little troll-ish like figure on the right hand corner. All he does is worry and scream and shout and argue with our hero and contributing nothing. He should be done away with - off with his head, we say! Hehehe!

Ratings: 6/10 - fighting and artwork save this issue from a 3

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