Thursday, November 27, 2014

213. X-Men vol 1 #50 ... Marvel ... Andy Kubert ...

Back in the good old hype days of Marvel, a 50 is guaranteed some sort of celebration and in this case, the story is good but not special as it is part of the build up to the next Marvel Event of that time i.e. Onslaught but rather the awesome cover that is enhanced (hahaha)

Artwork is by Andy Kubert and if Andy is onboard, it means some fantastic angles in terms of his fight scenes. It may look odd at times but it is never boring, Andy's artwork that is

In terms of storyline, we start off with a bang as we see the X-Men consisting of Storm, Iceman, Cyclops and Wolverine appearing confused and injured yet not knowing where they are or how they came by their injury ... and as they started to regroup and compare notes ... they were, as expected met with their adversary, Post ... grey guy on the cover

Aside from being large, nasty looking and has all those blocks stuck on him, we are never told what his real powers are and it seems like either he has a bit of everything powers or perhaps it is provided by an outside source ... at that time, most X-Men solo villains are like that .. including folks like Apocalypse and Sinister ... I guess it is because the X-Men were becoming too big and powerful a group and not many new villains can be a Magneto

Anyway, as the battle rages, the X-Men learnt to their absolute horror that Post is but one of the followers of Onslaught and he is here to test them for his master ... and if he nearly defeated them singlehandedly ... what can they expect when the villain finally arrives with his entire cohort of villains?

Well, that's when you know you need to read the Onslaught series coming up then

Ratings: 6/10 (I know you expected me to rate higher, right? But somehow, I felt this was a letdown for a 50th issue and the artwork is not consistent throughout. Perhaps it was the inker?)

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