Saturday, November 15, 2014

201. Moon Knight vol 2/3/4 ... #1 ... Marvel ...

Here is one character that many creators seemed to like but somehow could not figure out how to sustain a series by him. Well we have the answer. In view of his "low tech" style of operations, you need lots of action, intrigue and above all else, great artist with eye for details, not just some Editor's favorite. That's why towards the end of his longest running series, when newcomer Stephen Platt wa onboard, it sold like mad

And finally when it relaunched years ago under David Finch, it was a huge hit too ... subsequent relaunch with other fan faves but whose work is more stylized could not make it past the one year mark ...

And this series in the 80s was the same. I remembered it being launched as a new ongoing but made it as a limited series only. Sad because the first issue was awesome as it did a retelling of the Knight's origins but in a tactful way by showing us both flashbacks and Marc's new journey to the land where he first found Khonsu

Basically for those not in the know, Marc is a split personality type who has different persona that somehow manages to work well for him. In his most dominant personality, he is a mercenary and during his days in the dessert was betrayed and left for dead by his fellow mercs until ... brought back to life by Khonsu to serve as Khonsu's fist of vengeance ... that's pretty much it

So he uses his $$$ to create his costume and weapons and fight ... of course later version showed him with some mystical strength but during this incarnation he is a white version of Bruce Wayne ...

Ratings: 6/10

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