Thursday, November 13, 2014

199. Marvel Team Up vol 1 #147 ... Marvel ...

One more review and we will reach our 200th review!

So for this issue, we move our review backwards instead of forwards - from 150 to 149 and then 148. Now it is 147 and we still have Spidey and here this time he is with his fave buddy, the Human Torch


The cover pretty much tells you everything. First up is that in this issue and across all Spidey mags during that time, Spidey reverts from his black (then new) costume to his classic blue and reds

Next is the fact that the Black Abbott finally makes his full blown appearance and villainy and thus we know his full powers - mind control of a certain limit because here he manages to use the Human Torch to try and take down Spidey. Well, if he has smarts, he should have studied Spidey a bit more, eh?

And that's about it - obviously Spidey could not be tagged by the Torch and found a way to free the Torch and jointly they go after the Abbott. If you had read our earlier reviews, you would know that this issue didn't result in the end of the Abbott as 148 features even more of his type of sheenanigans

Ratings: 6/10

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