Tuesday, November 18, 2014

204. New Avengers vol 1 #3 ... Marvel ... David Finch ...

Yes for those who didn't know when they relaunched Avengers slightly more than a decade ago, they decided to add in the word new ... naturally thanks to today's market, there have since been some more relaunches even from this series ... so it's like (New) New Avengers and what-not ...

Well in issue 3, we finally see the big long drawn out fight to be more or less over ... with the heroes taking a moment's rest ... basically there's a breakout from the Raft prison ... and the Avengers after being disbanded ... well, they don't exist but the individual heroes come back to help arrest the criminals ... some got away and some don't ...

And naturally with Captain America and Iron Man around ... they got to thinking if they were wrong to break up the team and that there is a need for the Avengers after all ... and this also explains why this particular iteration of the Avengers will be different consisting of folks like Wolverine, Luke Cage and Spiderman

Forget the cover with the Sentry ... at this point the guy is merely background noise ...

So aside from some good dialogue that we get to read what else happens? We see some side plots being developed a wee bit more ... and then building up to the next arc ... not really a new arc but more of the same ... as the heroes discovered that they better go after some of the more violent criminals ... we will not spoil it for you except to say ... look at that cover and can you imagine ... the entire book is done in terms of artwork of that detail?

David Finch is awesome!

Ratings: 8/10

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