Monday, June 1, 2015

2.34 (399) Prophet vol 2 #3 ... Image ...

Issue 2 was the one issue of Prophet that we reviewed a loooooooooong time ago and hence that's why we started with 1 and now 3

And in this issue (damn love that cover) we finally get the ending we deserved NO SPOILERS as John (yup that name) finds out the truth about his own background and how he has been utilized over the generations ... and how he may not be the Prophet that he thought he was ... although the Disciples are there and just as nasty

He also finds out more about why he is always thinking and quoting Biblical phrases where we as readers have been reading in the narrative boxes ... which is really great because at least now we know that there is a story logic to it all and not just purely there to seem cool

And best of all he finds out more about his supposed friends and teammates

So all in all a great opening arc for this series and looking forward to it ... if only it hadn't ended abruptly within the next few issues ... ah well ... at least it didn't drag on and become crappy like Power Pack ... hahahaha!

Ratings: 10/10

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