Sunday, June 28, 2015

2.61 (426) Original Sin 5.2 Thor & Loki Tenth Realm ... Marvel ...

We open this issue with hesitation and wonder if we are going to be disappointed and the first 5 pages didn't give us much assurance. But only those pages though which was a huge relief because after that, the story and artwork lift themselves up by several notches

Basically thanks to Loki, they managed to find themselves in the 10th realm where Thor demanded for his sister to be present never even wondering for a moment who she is and whether the people he met understood him. Oaf, right?

Then we see the lame bit of writing protruding here ... as we see a wasted scene of older Loki thinking himself cunning by watching from afar all that goes on ... why we say this is because at the end of the storyline that's all he did NO SPOILER ALERT

And then we get a glimpse of the movie hit of the past year Guardians of the Galaxy where Angela is now a member except ... it was a glimpse because she desserts them SPOILER ALERT in the middle of a battle simply because she felt something drawing her back to her home world and she goes without giving a fuck about her team mates and at this point we say what the fuck right?

Now we comes to the next stage of oaf-ism ... when Thor needs Loki he found that Loki has ... disappeared but that's only to be expected, right? Here we are talking about the younger Loki (yes there are 2 now in this series very confusing for those who never read a single issue of Thor in the past 10 years) ...

So battles galore by the GOTG, by Angela, by Thor against the Angels of Heven ... but the stunning display is by Loki when we are finally shown where he went off to ... once more Loki proves that he is a far more entertaining character than the Oaf

Ratings: 6/10 (better artwork too)

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