Monday, June 29, 2015

2.62 (427) Thor vol 1 #350 ... Marvel ...

I am ashamed of myself as a reviewer. I just did a check on my archives and realized that out of the many reviews I have posted online, I failed to include 350 and 351 when in truth, they are amongst the most awesome issues in Thor chronicles ever!

So ... here it is ... the big 350 ... what is shocking at the time of its initial publication was that while it is a landmark issue and a huge chapter in the lives of the Asgardian as Ragnarok came a calling, it was done as any other normal sized issues. No specials within, no extra remarks, no extra pages ... Walter Simonson gave his best from stories to artwork and that's it and if truth be said, there were at times too many word balloons that it made some of the panels looked bare ... especially the ones where the camera lense angle is zooming out while the words remain the same size and thus eclipse the artwork

However, that is but a minor gripe

Overall, all the DOOM DOOM DOOM sound effects and ominous hints that has been building for the past year and many panels come to a head here as Thor and his allies both in Asgard and on Earth braced themselves for war when the sons of Muspelheim attack earth. These are fire demons and they come through huge dimensional gates appearing across the globe

So it's sheer size and immense madness!

So we have Surtur of the Flame, Malekith of the Dark Elves who has successfully brought the casket of ancient winters to Earth and giving Earth a perpetual winter storm and finally ... everything is but a ruse ... the war is not on Earth merely the battle ... and by the time Thor realizes this ... could it be too late?

Ratings: 8/10

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