Tuesday, June 16, 2015

2.49 (414) Dragon's Claws #1 ... Marvel ...

Two more reviews and we hit the big 5-0 in our year 2 of comics reviews and we are stoked and in order to celebrate, we are going to review 2 back to back issues of our only favourite titles from Marvel UK. For you see, in the height of the comics boom, Marvel decided that Marvel UK is going to actually have original stories that will be distributed beyond UK and so we see titles that celebrate the Image style minus the artwork like Death's Head (sure lots of people will object to my comments but hey this is a review from one person's opinion okay?) and Killpower ...

... and of course, Dragon's Claws

I like this series because it brings to us a more extreme interpretation of other storylines and is a precursor to even the Japenese movie and current Hunger Games movies ... in the sense that we see the future and it is not a happy place ... as part of an effort for the government to keep the populace under control, they introduced games in an arena where people are fighting for their own survival ...

What happens then is that these can oft times escalate beyond control ... and thus the games are cancelled ...

However, what happens then to all the players? Retirement isn't their cup of tea, right? Hehehe!

So what I liked about this series is the above and the fact that we get to see them ace cannon fodders left and right. Yup, that's the reason. It's good because that's ... more realistic? Hehehe!

Ratings: 8/10

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