Wednesday, June 10, 2015

2.43 (408) Deathstroke the Terminator #20 ... DC ...

You know, not everything that was launched in the 90s were all about grimacing and posing and having spittle dripping between your clenched teeth and this comic book is one of those surprises. After enjoying the last issue, I decided to go back to the quarter bins and dug this and a few more up

And in 20, the tale that began issues earlier comes to its conclusion!

The crazy Amazon? SPOILER ALERT She decided to snatch the warheads from her boss and instead uses it to blackmail the world. I mean, come on! So our dear old Death naturally went in to spank her bottom

Why do we call her Amazon? Because not only is she dressed up like a superhuman but she surrounds herself with enough lady soldiers or bodyguards and that Mammoth fool? He is here and is a mental midget so naturally he is upset when he sees Slade aka Deathstroke is no longer his buddy

The last page or rather the final scenes in the last page is almost as good as the opening scenes in the last issue ... at least for this reviewer

Ratings: 6/10

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