Sunday, June 7, 2015

2.40 (405) Uncanny X-Men vol 1 #194 ... Marvel ...

If you have been a regular reader of our reviews, you will know that we are fans of big slug fest that is not based on high energy shoot outs although that is cool too. So what made us like this so good is the fact that there is Juggernaut on the cover and this is the first time he was totally pummelled!

And the storyline interiors didn't disappoint either

We see a subplot of a mysterious dock worker finally coming to fruition as it turns out he is a robotic entity from the future sent back in time ala Terminator ... except its name is Nimrod like out of myth and legend and his agenda is to terminate those that will prove  a threat to baseline humans and in this issue, he succeeds magnificently!

He attacked the most powerful of them all ... Juggernaut ... naturally Juggie is not a mutant but managed to give him a hard time tearing a huge chunk of real estate before even slowing down ... and this gets reported on the news!

So the X-Men instead of having a quiet day decides its time to investigate ... this inspite of their recent big walloping session with Jugs. What's charming is the different reactions we are given a view of by the various X-members when this news hits them such as Nightie's reluctance or Peter's dumb eagerness ...

The battle is indeed savage ... and thanks to a younger Romita Jr, the artwork is energetic without being too grim and gritty ... if it had been a Finch?!?!?!

The solution is ingenuous and not just all about brawn

Definitely a good read

Ratings: 8/10

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