Friday, June 26, 2015

2.59 (424) Bloodshot (2012) #1 ... Valiant ...

Firstly, you can pick this issue up as a loose issue or in TPB 1 or in TPB 6 (for the so-called director's cut version i.e. in black-n-white) but whichever version you try, you are guaranteed for a genuine flavour on what the other 24 issues are going to be

We start off with the world going to pot and in comes Bloodshot as an infiltration agent. Unfortunately before he could get far, he was BLOWN to shreds and we kid you not. There is some awesome artwork here and nowhere do you get to see it so good as in the black-n-white edition. Some great art there

Naturally the baddies do not know about 'shot's nanites and before they can go down on their knees, our main man is back on his feet and storming the base

Even the ending is cool where 'shot found out to his own surprise that no one is on his side not even his own side ... and it ends there leaving us gasping and wondering what's next!


Ratings: 8/10

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